Our reality is the construct of our beliefs, reflecting our deservingness set-point. We get from life, from people, and from the Universe – what we (consciously or subconsciously) believe that deserve. Even though we can occasionally obtain/ receive something that surpasses our belief system, deservingness set-point, and our ‘income-ceiling’, we cannot contain it in our reality for long unless we reprogram our mindset around it and break through the ‘upper limiting’. 

I could witness that in my life coaching practice so often, while working with amazing and highly intelligent women with the degrees from Oxford and other prestigious universities, newly promoted managers or newly appointed board members with rich corporate experience and outstanding results they achieved for their companies, or entrepreneurs who worked very hard to grow their businesses from scratch – who feel undeserving (unworthy) of the success that achieved and tormented by the thought of losing it all (who were struggling with severe cases of the impostor syndrome), and with women who were sabotaging the relationships with their ‘perfect man’, due to deeply rooted limiting beliefs such as ‘I would not be able to keep  that kind of man for long‘ or ‘I would not have enough to offer to him‘. 

I heard many of my clients who were working on strengthening their self worth say that it suddenly felt ‘awkward’ to them that people were suddenly treating them with respect or doing nice things for them – they were used to being treated so poorly by others that it had become their standard, their ‘norm’, something they were ‘comfortable’ with.   

Regardless of what you want to achieve, receive, or obtain in your life, you need to first work on reprogramming your mindset (embody the belief that it’s possible for you) and increasing your deservingness set-point – raising your standards and strengthening your self-worth. Massive action, luck, and strategy can only get you so far as your mind-set and deservingness set-point allow you to reach.

How much (money, respect, success, praise, recognition, fame, love, luxury…) you believe you deserve and is possible for you to receive and obtain will determine how much you will be able to receive, obtain, and more importantly – contain within your reality.

If you are not able to achieve something that you very much desire, even though you are working really hard towards it for a long time, and you tried multiple different ‘proven and tested’ strategies, it is very likely that you have subconscious limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and your deservingness set-point and/or your income ceiling is lower than your desired outcome/income.

Holding higher standards for your self and your life is not being greedy, it is about growing, tapping into your full potential, living your best life, and exploring your limitless possibilities. For example, why there should be a ceiling to your income in the first place, considering how many investing and other income earning opportunities to earn money are available out there, even trough passive income streams?

The only limit that limits you is the limit you set for yourself – your limiting beliefs about what you are (un)worthy of and how much is enough, much, and ‘too much’ for you.  Where in your life, or in your career/business you are holding onto the low standards and scarcity mindset, accepting the poor treatment, and holding weak boundaries? 

ALSO READ  The Price Of Circumstantial Self Value - If You Can't Handle Failure You'll 'Protect' Yourself From Next Level Of Success/ Wealth/ Growth

In which area of your life are you settling, or resisting receiving more?

How much (success, money, respect, luxury, love…) you believe is ‘enough’ for you? 

How much (success, money, respect, luxury, love…) is ‘too much’ for you? 

How much (success, love, praise, gifts…) do you allow yourself to receive?

Do you resist luxury? Do you feel uncomfortable in ‘ultra expensive’ places, five-star hotels and restaurants, luxury fashion outlets…?

Did you ever reject the gift because it was ‘too much’ or ‘too expensive’?

How much (success, love, money, luxury…) do you believe you deserve and you CAN have?

What if you would strengthen your self worth and increase your deservingness set point so much that your current ‘too much’ becomes your new ‘normal’? 

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