On the topic of success, happiness, and insreasing self confidence.
Published on www.cosmopolitan.rs in 2016. and 2017.
Articles published in Serbian printed editions and online magazine.
Interviews for the Croatian editions in November 2021. and April 2022.
16 articles published on www.theladiescoach.com web platform.
“Danijela’s work has inspired hundreds of our ladies to take action in different areas of their life!” (Christal Fuentes, the founder of The Ladies Coach)
THE HUFFPOST, TIMES OF INDIA, The Inspired Coach, Mike Dooley’s TUT.COM, Lepa&Srećna, at al.
Feel free to reach out with your interview proposal or an article idea. I’d consider doing an interview (assuming that the topic(s) and the media platform resonates with me) via e-mail, or Zoom, as well as video podcast, radio, or TV interview, depending on my availability on the suggested date (as I travel a lot).